Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP)

Manufacturing Apps (mApps) from the ecosystem for manufacturing IT

Manufacturing companies need a wide range of IT applications in order to plan and produce efficiently. MPDV's open platform concept, the Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP), offers the opportunity to combine so-called mApps from different providers as desired. This combination creates an ecosystem which generates great benefits for both manufacturing companies and developers, system integrators and machine manufacturers. The vendor lock-in effect customary in manufacturing IT to date is completely eliminated by the MIP. The MIP as the functional infrastructure of the Smart Factory gives manufacturing companies maximum flexibility while relying on a future-proof IT architecture.

Your benefits

  • Decide for yourself which applications are important
  • Combine mApps from different providers as you like
  • Simply use existing data structures and basic services
  • Simply integrate existing systems
  • Create individual solutions based on standard software
  • Benefit from the expertise of many ecosystem partners

Overview of MIP use cases

  • Developing your own mApps
  • Combining existing mApps
  • Integrating machines & equipment with mApps
  • Consulting and services in the ecosystem

Would you like more information? We are happy to help.

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